Conversations around tooth extractions have always been negative. As a result, people shy away from this simple but crucial dental procedure. The truth is extractions are beneficial and can improve your oral health. Let’s look at why you would need to go for tooth extraction and some of its major benefits.

What is a tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is a simple dental procedure that involves numbing gums and removing teeth from the sockets. Oral surgeons primarily do it. General dentists and periodontists may also carry out the tooth removal procedure. To prevent bleeding, dentists often use a gauze pack on the extraction site.

Extractions fall into two categories:

  •  Simple Extractions: They’re usually performed on the visible teeth and are usually done under local anesthesia.  
  •  Surgical Extractions: Dentists perform this procedure when a tooth breaks under the gum tissue or when it hasn’t fully erupted. A small incision is made to raise the soft tissue covering your tooth. Sometimes, the dentist may split teeth into multiple pieces to allow for removal.

What happens before tooth extraction?

Before extracting your tooth, the dentist will inspect the affected tooth and the gums surrounding it and review your medical and dental history. They make take x-rays to assess the bone levels and the damage. Tell your dentist about any prescription medication or supplements you’re using. Tooth extraction is a terrifying experience for many people.

Your dentist may administer sedation to make you comfortable. Nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation are all standard options. Nitrogen oxide might be good for you if you intend to drive yourself to and fro.

If you choose oral sedation – diazepam or midazolam, ask a friend or family member to drop you off and pick you up. Those with significant dental anxiety or undergoing long dental procedures with the potential for severe pain might need intravenous sedation.

Recovery and outlook

Recovery takes about 1-2 two weeks. You will experience pain and unease during this period. You can eat but with a bit of discomfort. Expect slight bleeding, but this is manageable. Your dentist will prescribe medication to manage pain and inflammation, most likely ibuprofen. You may not feel the scratch on the day of tooth extraction. But as days go by, the gaping wound will itch and throb.

After meals, we recommend that you rinse your mouth with salty water to remove food parties from the tooth extraction site. Don’t rinse your mouth vigorously as this could loosen the blood clot. If you’re on medication for hypertension, inquire from your dentist where it’s safe to rinse your mouth with salty water.

When is a tooth extraction necessary? 

Tooth extraction is necessary when a tooth decays or gets broken or damaged. A broken or severely compromised tooth can’t remain in your mouth. Delaying its removal exposes you to the risk of infection, which can be a general health issue in the long term.

If tooth restoration with a dental crown or filling is impossible, due to trauma, tooth extraction may be your only option. Orthodontists may also perform surgical extraction to create room in a patient’s mouth to move teeth during orthodontic treatments.

Another reason to go for dentists to perform tooth extractions is when there’s no room for the wisdom tooth to erupt. The other teeth can grow sideways or damage surrounding teeth, leading to jaw pain, discomfort, and tooth decay – the hallmarks of impacted teeth.

Helps you achieve a smile

Dental problems like overcrowding teeth can rob you of your natural smile. Fortunately, tooth extraction has restorative and cosmetic benefits. An orthodontist can recommend dental extraction to address the problem. This allows the remaining teeth to adjust, resulting in a pleasing and confident smile.

Helps relieve dental pain

A fractured tooth or badly decayed teeth can make eating an ordeal. Extreme discomfort often happens when nerve endings are exposed to jot or cold food, drinks or air. Contrary to popular belief, tooth extractions help relieve oral pain, and not cause or worsen it. Pairing tooth extraction and an advanced solution like dental implants can help you overcome pain and enjoy your meals again.

Saves healthy teeth

An infection in one tooth can spread to surrounding teeth and gums. More often than not, this can lead to costly and time-consuming dental procedures. Extraction can eliminate decaying or compromised teeth and preserve healthy ones.

Eliminate the root problem

When it comes to oral health, always do whatever you can to save your natural teeth. Go for routine checkups and teeth cleanings. However, some tooth damage isn’t reversible. Extracting the problematic tooth and placing a dental implant in the jawbone can change your situation and help you enjoy full and pain-free bites.

Eliminate teeth overcrowding

If all four wisdom teeth are present, chances are the mouth gets crowded and nearby teeth will start to overall. Tooth crowding makes it difficult to maintain healthy gums and teeth. Regular brushing and flossing can be an ordeal, leading to gum diseases or bleeding. In some cases, crowding can even can your teeth to chip or wear out unevenly. Not to mention going for Orthodontic treatments can be difficult as there’s no room for teeth to move or realign. Teeth extractions can correct the problem and create space for your tooth to align.

Visit Shades Creek Dental for Expert Tooth Extraction

While everyone wants to keep their teeth, broken or impacted teeth may require you to undergo a tooth extraction procedure. A simple dental extraction takes less than 40 minutes and may involve the use of a local anesthetic.

Don’t put off a tooth extraction or surgical tooth removal. Come to Shades Creek Dental for safe tooth extractions. We have skilled and experienced dentists that can handle your case. Our dentists will examine your gums and teeth before extracting the problematic or damaged tooth. We’ll make you comfortable and make the procedure as painless as possible.

Call (205) 417-2750 or book an online appointment with our dental experts, all approved by the American Dental Association.

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