Dental Veneers

Dental veneers, sometimes referred to as porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates, are thin, custom-made shells made to resemble teeth. These shells are tooth-colored and cover the front surface of the tooth to improve the overall appearance. The shells are bonded to the front of the teeth to change the length, size, color, and shape.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Thanks to a wide variety of advancements, we see that there is significant progress in the field of dentistry. Dental veneers or porcelain veneers are just some of the advancements made within the field that help individuals to live a higher quality of life.

Remember that quality of life does not only stem from function and overall good health, it is also psychological. If your mental health is up to par, then you are likely to live a better life, have a better sense of yourself, and feel more comfortable as you move around within the world.

This sense of self-worth from preserving natural teeth with the right dental veneer not only translates into benefits for you but for your community as well. It is hard to be as confident if you are walking around with broken teeth or notice problems with an entire tooth, at the same time, thanks to progress in cosmetic dentistry, you can take action and live a better life.

Let us find out more about dental veneers.

What Are Veneers For?

You will find that porcelain veneers help with a wide variety of aspects. The broad range of use cases will certainly vary as you think about porcelain and resin veneers. Your dental professional at Shades Creek Dental will talk about everything from composite veneers to medically reviewed aspects, the American Dental Association, and dental veneers services as they talk about the procedure?

How do these dental veneer solutions help? How do dental veneers fix the issue?

  • Veneers are often used to fix a number of problems, including:
    Teeth discoloration – Many things can cause tooth discoloration including root canals, stains, excessive fluoride use, and large fillings that have discolored the teeth.
  • Uneven, misaligned, or irregular shaped teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Teeth with gaps between them

If you are facing any of these issues, then you are certainly a great candidate for a dental veneer procedure. If you have any questions about weakened teeth, dental implants, composite resin veneers, cosmetic procedure costs, and more, reach out to cosmetic dentist professionals at Shades Creek Dental.

We are pleased to ensure to answer questions about traditional veneers, dental treatments, direct composite veneers, and other aspects.

Our team at Shades Creek Dental understands the importance of self-care and the role that it plays in our lives and that of our patients. If you face tooth decay, chipped teeth, or notice uneven teeth, reach out to our professionals today.

Benefits of Veneers

What are the benefits of these new dental veneers? That is a fantastic question to ask as you look at this procedure. You want to make sure that you make the best decision when you are thinking about cosmetic dental issues. It is about improving your psychology and confidence but it is also about thinking about the benefits and the costs associated with permanent veneers.

It is fantastic that you are looking at all aspects of the process. Let us take a look at the benefits of a porcelain veneer.

  • They create a natural tooth appearance.
  • The gum tissues tolerate porcelain well.
  • Veneers are resistant to stains.
  • The color of the veneers can be chosen to make teeth appear whiter.
  • Veneers change a tooth’s color and shape without requiring the extensive shape prior to the procedure as crowns do. 
  • Veneers are not only a more aesthetic alternative to crowns, but they are also a stronger alternative.

As you can see, veneer placement brings about a great deal of benefits.

What’s The Procedure?

The process of getting veneers requires more than one single trip to the dentist. .

Diagnosis and Treatment

This is the first step in the veneer process and requires patient participation. The patient explains what result they are hoping to achieve. During the first appointment, your dentist will examine your teeth to ensure dental veneers are right for you as well as discuss some limitations. X-rays and impressions of your teeth may be taken.ined.



In order to prepare a tooth for a veneer, around a half millimeter of the enamel will be removed from the tooth surface to allow for the veneer to be added. Before trimming the enamel, you and your dentist will need to discuss the need for an anesthetic to numb the area. From there, an impression of your tooth will be made. The model is sent to a dental lab that will construct your veneers. This typically takes 2 to 4 weeks. If necessary, temporary veneers can be placed.


 Before the veneer is permanently placed to the tooth, your dentist will place it on your tooth to examine the match and fit. From there, the dentist will remove and trim the veneer until it fits properly. The veneer color is adjusted based on the shade of the cement used. To prepare your tooth for the veneer, your tooth will be cleaned, polished, and etched. The etching process roughens the tooth to ensure a strong bonding process. Once your veneer is properly positioned on the tooth, your dentist will apply the cement and use a special light to activate chemicals in the cement. This chemical causes the tooth to harden quicker. To finish up, any excess cement will be removed and your bite will be evaluated. A few weeks later, a follow-up visit is necessary to see how your gums are responding to your veneers and check your veneer’s placement.


How long do dental veneers last?
Veneers typically last between 7 and 15 years. After this time, the veneers will need to be replaced.
Do veneers require special treatment or care?
Veneers do not require any special treatment or care. Patients should continue to follow normal oral hygiene practices by regularly brushing, flossing, and rinsing.
How much do dental veneers cost?
 The cost of veneers is different for each patient and depends on the extent of the procedure. The cost per tooth generally ranges from $1,000 to $2,000.

Ready to transform your smile?

Contact us today to get your dental veneer plan started.

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